October 20, 2012

Feeling Classy

Lately I have been questioning my job and really thinking about whether or not it is where I need to be. There have been some major ups and downs, frustrations and really dreading the fact that I have to go in, spend 8+ hrs a day there feeling completely like a waste of space. This is not an attitude that I have enjoyed or wanted. I know am very blessed to have a job that pays well and is very flexible with my schedule. I am also grateful for my position in the company as a supervisor. But lately I just haven't felt that I am important in my position; haven't felt respected, appreciated or needed and that has taken a toll. This weekend those feelings have somewhat changed. I was asked to attend an Area Lead training down in Salt Lake CIty at the Sheraton where other Area Leads in our district would be attending. I became really excited and knew this was a great opportunity for me. I am really glad I went and I now feel like I am important and needed. Some concerns and questions that I have had were brought up and it was comforting to know that I am not the only one who has those concerns and questions. The presentations were perfect for me to hear and I learned a lot, and I really hope that I can make some changes for the best in my area. I have a different light on what my role as a supervisor is, and am actually excited to return back to work on Monday. I even have been thinking that I would like to work my way up in the company.

Not only was I excited about the training, or the fact that we were staying the night at the Sheraton, but I was excited for the fact that I could dress up nice and not have to wear scrubs for once. I felt very classy and professional. That is a feeling I really really like. Plus hubby who came down with me bought me a jacket from American Eagle that I have had my eyes on. That made me feel super classy. I told hubby that we need to move to the city where I can dress up classy and fashionable everyday. He agreed.


Audrey said...

Kaylen you look so good in that outfit-so cute! We totally know that feeling of not being respected or appreciated. It's frustrating. Glad that you got to step back and get a little breather and go to that conference training! :)

Anonymous said...

Kaylen, your blog is clean and classy! I also love this blazer. I can relate to this post. My theory - we always want what we don't have - I've been wearing dress pants (and some skirts) for about 2 years now, and I'd KILL for the day when I'll wear JEANS (or scrubs) and my NORMAL clothes everyday! :) Hang in there. Glad the conference was refreshing and inspiring!

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